Desiree Llanos Dee
Fellow | Climate Change, Climate Justice, Human Rights, Sustainable Development, Communication, Graphic Facilitation
Desiree Llanos Dee is a committed listener, curious learner, and an innovative social artist. She is the co-founder of Tofu Creatives, a design firm dedicated to harnessing creativity to effectively communicate complex issues. As an artist, her works have been exhibited and featured in Berlin, London, California, and Manila.
In the last decade, she has been working on climate and development issues as a policy adviser, strategist, communications expert, campaigner, and storyteller. As a German government scholar recipient (DAAD), she finished her Masters on Climate Policy from the University of Potsdam and specialized in climate-risk communication.
In previous positions, she has served as chief-of-staff to a Commissioner in the Climate Change Commission of the Philippines, Climate Justice Campaigner and Project Lead for Greenpeace Southeast Asia, and created a visual vocabulary on climate change as an Associate Consultant for the Bigger Picture – a creative firm in Denmark.
She has embarked on epic journeys to share stories of courage and hope, campaigning on climate justice. In 2015, she joined the People’s Pilgrimage – a 1,500 kilometer walk from Rome to Paris to bring the interfaith message to the climate talks in Paris. She has been on board ships from the Arctic to the tropical seas to share stories on how Filipinos are rising above the impacts of climate change.